Life with Twin Boys & a Chocolate Lab

Life with Twin Boys & a Chocolate Lab

Saturday, January 26, 2013

3 months

Time is quickly flying by... between the feedings, diaper changes and playtime our day starts and finishes with not much time for anything else. The boys are doing great and growing so fast! I can't believe how big they are already. Their personalities continue to show more and more each day. It's so fun to see them smile and laugh at funny facial expressions and voices.

Henry can be a very sweet boy that can't get enough hugs and love and can make you laugh all day long. He can also demand a little more attention and loves being in the spot light. He can go from laughing and playing to screaming and crying in a matter of seconds. When he decides he wants to eat, be held, or moved to a different play spot, it needs to be now and someone better be recognizing that. :)

Colton is also very sweet and seems happy and content most of the time. He is slower to get upset and gives you sometime to react to his needs. He smiles a lot but can be on the shy side. He tends to put his hands in front of his face when he smiles at things. I recently started to read to them, Colton loves to follow along and seems to pay attention throughout the book. He likes to look at the pictures and seems to be entertained by my reading (Henry not so much).

They both sleep through the night, Henry from 8-9ish till 7-8 am. Yes, I know this is great and we are very lucky! Colton tends to sleep the same but can wake occasionally at 4 for a feeding. As of recently he has been eating 30oz a day which allows him to sleep through the night as well. Henry has been maxing out on milk for awhile now (32oz daily) which is why he has had no problem sleeping through the night.  The doctor gave us the green light to introduce cereal, so soon we will be starting that.

They become more and more independent little infants each day. They bring us so much joy and we can't imagine life without either one.

Getting so BIG!

So sweet

They both enjoy sitting up (with props for now) and enjoying a different view of things. 

Daddy reading to Colton

My friend Mindy was visiting from Seattle, she is pregnant with twins due this April

We love sitting on the couch

Tummy Time

The newest toy, the JUMPEROO

Henry with his favorite stuffed animal Zebra, he had a cold and Zebra made him happy

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