I usually get up right around 7, as does Pete. I like to have a cup of coffee, check e-mail, unload the dishwasher & etc. in the peace & quiet before my day goes into full swing.
The boys usually wake up right around 7:30 sometimes 8. Pete leaves for work right around this time so typically they don't get to see Daddy in the morning. I go get them up, dressed & ready for the day & we have breakfast.
After breakfast I let them watch a show & play while I clean up the kitchen and get myself ready for the day.
We usually spend sometime playing in the house or on the deck. I will get laundry started if needed that day & almost everyday we go for a long walk or visit a park & usually get home just in time to start things for lunch. If we have errands to run that day we will go during this time & skip our walk. Occasionally we will go check on the new house and do a walk or park visit over in that neighborhood.
I prepare lunch, we eat, I clean up the kitchen, pick up the toys & we head downstairs for nap.
The boys usually nap everyday from about noon till 2, occasionally it's a little longer but very rarely. During this time I do whatever needs to get done that day. I work on house decisions, water my plants, figure out dinner plans, finish laundry & do any cleaning that needs to be done. If their is any free time I will scan a few sites for some online shopping or read some blogs.
The boys wake from their nap & have snack.
We will run to a farmers market, visit the zoo, check on the new house, visit Papa & Grandma, or run to a store. Occasionally we will have a playdate. If any errands didn't get accomplished in the morning we do them now, or if we skipped our morning walk we will squeeze it in before dinner. The boys are great on walks & typically pretty quiet, Cooper needs to burn off energy & I love the exercise... so a walk is almost required for survival each day.
I prepare dinner for the boys & start dinner for Pete and I. The boys eat early, before Pete is even home from work, so they typically have what we eat for dinner the night before. I feed the boys right around 5 & then finish up our dinner. I try to clean the kitchen up some so we are ready to relax & have dinner when Pete gets home around 6. The boys play, color or watch a show while we have dinner and clean up the kitchen. About once a week we will meet Pete after work & have dinner out. Our favorite is to go for mexican or pizza.
Bath time is right at 7, the boys love to take a bath & could play & play. We then get them dressed in their jams & they play downstairs with Pete till 8. The boys go to bed no later then 8 every night. Pete usually puts them to bed, he reads them a couple of books & then they are out till the next morning.
Quiet adult time, rare but oh so nice. We will usually watch a show, talk a bit & head to bed.
This is a typical day for us, each day is a bit different but scheduled and somewhat the same.
Weekends we like to go on trips and visit friends & family. The tail end of the week when we have a trip is spent preparing for it and the beginning of the following week is spent getting back into the grove of things.
About once a month I get out for a girls night & about once every couple of weeks I'll run to the mall in the evening or go get a pedicure. This alone/girl time is so nice and always very much appreciated.
I can honestly say I'm as busy as I have ever been. Chasing two toddlers around all day and trying to keep up with life is exhausting!