Time flies bye, especially when one day blends right into the next. The boys are doing great and growing to be big and strong. Henry came in the 60th plus percentile with his weight, needless to say he likes to eat! He has over doubled in size and continues to want to eat more. Colton is growing right on track, smaller then his brother but growing at more of an average pace ( he has close to doubled his birth weight). They both are responding to things... they smile at Mom and Dad and coo and caaa... it's so much fun. They now will reach for toys and grab at things. It amazes me how fast they learn things and how quickly they change. Henry has rolled over a few times from his belly to his back. Colton can stand on his legs (with help of course) and hold his head really well. I already feel like they are growing too fast, I can't believe that they are so much bigger already. They go for 4-6 hour stretches of sleep at night now, which makes the days that much more enjoyable for Mom and Dad! We are having fun with them and soaking in each day as best we can.

Big Strong Henry
Colton not sure of his elephant chair
Afternoon Nap
Colton Smiling
Arms up if you love your Mommy
I love my new hat Mom
Henry at bath time